Friday, January 4, 2008

Walk down by the sea, Kuwait Corniche

I went for a walk down by the sea...once again, this afternoon. It was a beautiful day....not at all cold. The seaside where I walk though was pretty crowded....there were families cycling....running....playing.... crying....laughing.....couples walking, some hand in walking in groups....lone walkers like me a few.....a cyclist passed by.....a skater zoomed by....

The sea was noisy too.....the birds....the boats....but still beautiful....and I walked....I walked all alone.....alone in a sea of crowd....alone in my thoughts......


  1. a fashionably flavored year to you dear miran.

    pic3 is simply fanatastic. calm rush!!!!!

  2. WoW...lovely pics there...what a way to begin the new year...just beautiful!

  3. Ra - Glad you like the Pics. It was a beautiful day!

    Kalyan - Thanks! I may just take up photography!

  4. Ugh. I hate being alone while crowded. I have to confess I love talking to people. Having insightful conversations is a great stress reliever for me. Since I travel much, I get to be lonely at the airport a lot of times. It's weird. Occasionally you'll find someone that is also willing to spend time getting to know a complete stranger.

  5. Rolandog, I understand what you're saying. I too love to chat up total strangers while traveling in trains, planes, buses,...getting to know a bit about the person, where they come from, their culture, etc....but the situation is different in this part of the world and a girl has to be careful....else it might be construed otherwise!
