I enjoy walking......and walking by the seaside...with the wind blowing against my face.....is so invigorating! The vast expanse of the sea.........makes me wonder.....of the unknown beyond and beneath. The air around smells of the seaweed which has been left behind after the high tide.... and is now, slowing turning rotten.
I see a couple of individual Arab women...........the young one, complete in a track suit walking briskly while chatting fervently on her mobile.....the other, older lady in hijab and as she walks, I spy her latest sneakers on her feet.
Then, there's the lone white guy, in shorts & music in his ears cycling away furiously. There are also these young couples strolling by. As I walk, I come across a couple of Ice-cream sellers - the ones on tricycles. Apart from the ice-creams, they also sell water & juices. In addition, there are also a few men just hanging around.... smoking ...watching people go by...
In the distance, I see the Scientific Center which is built right on the waterfront. It also houses the Dhow Harbour and has quite a few of the historic Dhows which are traditional Arab sailing vessels. The place is built in the shape of these Dhows. The view looks wonderful...can't resist....take my mobile phone out and shoot this picture. Beautiful!?